In their tiny Senegalese village, cowherd Adama (Mamadou Diallo) dutifully married his older brother's widow Banel (Khady Mane), and the two evolved a tender and loving relationship. However, as she adamantly joins him in his herding rather than engage in traditionally feminine labor, and he balks at following his late sibling as local chieftain, they may not be able to withstand a community's outrage, in Ramata-Toulaye Sy's telling fable. 87 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: Pular; Subtitles: English; featurette; theatrical trailer. In Pular with English subtitles.
In their tiny Senegalese village, cowherd Adama (Mamadou Diallo) dutifully married his older brother's widow Banel (Khady Mane), and the two evolved a tender and loving relationship. However, as she adamantly joins him in his herding rather than engage in traditionally feminine labor, and he balks at following his late sibling as local chieftain, they may not be able to withstand a community's outrage, in Ramata-Toulaye Sy's telling fable. 87 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: Pular; Subtitles: English; featurette; theatrical trailer. In Pular with English subtitles.
In their tiny Senegalese village, cowherd Adama (Mamadou Diallo) dutifully married his older brother's widow Banel (Khady Mane), and the two evolved a tender and loving relationship. However, as she adamantly joins him in his herding rather than engage in traditionally feminine labor, and he balks at following his late sibling as local chieftain, they may not be able to withstand a community's outrage, in Ramata-Toulaye Sy's telling fable. 87 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: Pular; Subtitles: English; featurette; theatrical trailer. In Pular with English subtitles.